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Very good, but also yikes

Kaito.Hat January 3, 2020 3:55 am

I really enjoyed reading this. I thought I was in for a shallow read, but it was actually very deep and realistic to an extent. Tetsu was a very mature and refreshing character, and Bambi's character growth was so touching! The family and romantic relationships were also all very cute! The only grips I have with this manga is 1) The rival. Judging from his initial introduction, I felt like he was going to make this huge impact on the plot but he suddenly moved way, way into the background in favour of the Akari/Tetsu/Bambi love triangle. I would've also liked to see more info about his past and current living situation outside of his vague explanations to Raichi. 2) Sachi. Holy hell, Sachi. Tetsu and his grandma really hyped this girl up when in reality she was a dumpster fire personified. To recap: she's not in the best state of mind due to family feud, she has a string of messy, MESSY relationships with men, she HAS SEX WITH A MINOR, then she gets pregnant then dumps all responsibility to said minor because he's more reliable than any of the adult men she's slept with. Yikes.
