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This is kinda wrong guys...

Nobuko December 25, 2019 8:43 pm

I really ship Seojun and Jugyeong at first, but now, their relationship is getting a little too fast. Jugyeong is not even thinking about how Suho would react if he know. It's true that they have lost contact with Suho for a year, but it doesn't mean that they can forget his existence like that. Can Jugyeong feel a little guilty about this? Are they too rush to make it become dramatic that they forget the logic or...Jugyeong actually doesn't love Suho?

    Pixo December 25, 2019 8:51 pm

    Why should she feel guilty though? Even though they admitted their feelings to each other, their relationship didn’t move forward from there. Suho also never contacted her back once he moved. I think it’s unfair to want Jugyeong to sit around and wait for Suho when she doesn’t even know if he’ll ever come back.

    MhzAshiiBio December 26, 2019 3:35 am
    Why should she feel guilty though? Even though they admitted their feelings to each other, their relationship didn’t move forward from there. Suho also never contacted her back once he moved. I think it’s u... Pixo


    Nobuko December 26, 2019 4:42 am

    Of Course she deserve a new love. I'm just wondering why the story just let it happen without mention Suho? Isn' it unfair for Suho though? If she have some internal struggle with it, the story may not make me get the wrong idea. It just my personal feeling, no judgement.

    Pixo December 26, 2019 4:57 am

    I just don’t see why she should be struggling with deciding to date someone she’s been friends with and has feelings for currently because she used to have feelings for a guy who moved away and never contacted her back. It’s not like they made a promise that they’ll get together once he moves back. So I fail to see how it’s unfair to Suho.