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i have skills in drawin right but try drawin a dick i litterally just draw those 2014 dick...

aphy cu January 1, 2020 2:13 am

i have skills in drawin right but try drawin a dick i litterally just draw those 2014 dicks i feel ashame of myself if u love best drawin dick and u augin about them draw one and see why they give up on drawin dicks and just make them white

    raindragon January 1, 2020 2:29 am

    the dicks aren't there because of censorship, but I can relate. Dicks are not that easy to draw. The hard part, too, with manga is matching the gradients to the originals. It can be difficult.

    aphy cu January 2, 2020 6:33 pm
    the dicks aren't there because of censorship, but I can relate. Dicks are not that easy to draw. The hard part, too, with manga is matching the gradients to the originals. It can be difficult. raindragon

    i guess ur right but isee now thxs for the reply