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Niki January 3, 2020 4:38 pm

Hi, i'm wondering if anyone knows any yaoi manga that is very intresting, and maybe kind of historical themed but i want it to be intresting. But more than that i'm wondering if anyone knows any Bl seris that is really good. I watched ''love is more than a word'' and it was sooo good, but the ended was kind of sad. But i can't find good bl series so if there is a serie that you think is good, wirte the name for me.
Thanks in advance

    Pyonhyeii January 3, 2020 4:59 pm

    HIStory is a good BL series, not historical however it’s got decent plot despite it being only like 5 episodes long for each story. you can easily find the subbed English versions on YouTube.

    WertGiggle January 3, 2020 7:49 pm

    Painter of the night! I think it’s really interesting, but some of the characters you’re going to hate a lot. But that’s what makes it interesting, and the plot, too.

    Iconicpies January 3, 2020 8:54 pm

    Keeper of the pearl maybe