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Well, damn. That's the worst i've seen in all my 16 years of life. Even the threesome wasn...

Happy Tween \(>o<)/ April 8, 2014 8:42 am

Well, damn. That's the worst i've seen in all my 16 years of life. Even the threesome wasn't hot enough to make up for it if that's why you've come here. That fucking bitch Yuka (i'm sorry, i really am, for my language, but i mean every word) was such a slut, i'm GLAD she died. I wish the guys hadn't been such dolls and murdered her instead. (@>^<@) ugh!! I say, go read a better manga that'll actually make you smile...

    Anonymous April 22, 2014 4:21 am

    I so agree, worst manga, seriously she's dying yet she wants all 3 men's? Fuck that I would rather have one guy then 3