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Can some of y’all give me some positive spoilers?

B-) January 12, 2020 9:18 pm

Can some of y’all give me some positive spoilers?

    dokumoku January 12, 2020 10:06 pm

    I can!.....

    se arreglan!

    B-) January 12, 2020 10:17 pm
    I can! arreglan! dokumoku

    Thank you! Tho I have no idea what it means

    dokumoku January 13, 2020 2:10 am
    Thank you! Tho I have no idea what it means B-)


    Some drama pop up for the father, but they reconcile.

    B-) January 13, 2020 4:50 pm
    Sorry, Some drama pop up for the father, but they reconcile. dokumoku

    No prob and that sound good, I’m glad they figure it out