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Nah, I like Itsuki as well. But it does not seem like Negi really cares about her since s...

Anonymous January 13, 2020 12:54 am

Nah, I like Itsuki as well. But it does not seem like Negi really cares about her since she was not given an arc until a few chapters ago.

    M... January 20, 2020 6:56 am

    i also like itsuki, to be honest she has the pretty common role where, we in real life, only realizes that she liked the guy where it was already too late. But it doesn't matter, since seeing itsuki has an strong-independent character and thinks of her career future I can only sense that she will be happy in everything she does. I still root for her but if the author finalize with yotsuba then I can only just pray for Itsuki's happiness in the future. (lol im treating them like real people)