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So... am I the only one bothered that sometimes their noses just disapear? (Sou's "father"...

Kabochan April 12, 2014 8:27 pm

So... am I the only one bothered that sometimes their noses just disapear?
(Sou's "father" missing nose was creepy)
Anyway, apart of this, this story is great (:

    missekat April 12, 2014 9:05 pm

    The case of the disappearing noses makes me laugh. I noticed that many of the panels had incomplete faces and it looks fairly odd. *snickers* but I do like the story here. :D

    Sora April 13, 2014 10:36 pm

    Hahaha your comment about missing noses was what made me read this manga :`D
    Couldn't stop thinkin about it,and randomly start laughing at "dissapearing noses"
    And that old man's loss of a nose eally WAS creepy :`U
    But if i try to be serious then.... Yeah I think the story is pretty good :^) Looking forward to read more ^^