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After reading the raws, all I can say is, this story plot is a master piece with twist and...

Ehhh.... January 25, 2020 7:04 am

After reading the raws, all I can say is, this story plot is a master piece with twist and turns until the end. It was worth reading.

    Da-Hua January 25, 2020 1:19 pm

    There’s a tragedy tag... should i be worried about that?

    anonienonie January 25, 2020 5:16 pm

    Would you be willing to spoil how it ends?

    Ehhh.... January 25, 2020 7:15 pm
    There’s a tragedy tag... should i be worried about that? Da-Hua

    For me, I didn't worry too much about since it made sense as of why things happen. I was looking forward to what kind of tragedy it was more then worrying about it. So I can't really say if you should worry for it, since everyone views it differently. But the amount of tragedy isn't too much.

    Ehhh.... January 25, 2020 8:41 pm
    Would you be willing to spoil how it ends? anonienonie

    SPOILER ALERT OF THE ENDING: BE WARN. If anyone check out the comment section, there is a Spoiler Alert Part too. Make sure to read that before reading this, otherwise what imma spoil probably won't make too much sense :)
    I am going to try to keep it short, but I can't promise you that it won't be long.
    I'm just going to give a brief summary of what happens afterward when the hunt happen.

    After the hunt failed, the President started to scheme again.
    A gang rape took place and Kang Mu did save MC. Everyone end up being interrogated dude to the death of one bad guy. MC ends up finding a room of photos Kang Mu's took. MC ends up looking at the photo and took one of his film rolls. Kang Mu didn't really say much until later since he noticed it missing and ends sitting and looking up at a screen. ( the screen of the TV is a foreshadow). MC concluded that Kang Mu killed the dead guy dude to the photos.
    Glass dude goes to jail because there was a video of the dead guy sleeping with his fiancé which result of why the dead guy died dude to the anger of the glass guy. MC confronted Kang Mu and they talked about it about the photos. A girl did show up before this mess and afterward. But remember the girl has a role to play in all of the drama.
    The detective assume there is more to it then it looks and started to dig deeper.
    Kang Mu visited the glass guy, whisper some stuff. Afterwards, Mc was almost run over by a car, but they both apologize, afterwards.. Kang Mu "slept" the annoying President.
    Mc went and look through his sister stuff, and found mail from Kang Mu of photos of him. Confronted him again. Shit went down.
    The Mc sister's ex that tried to rape Mc ends up "killing" one of the guy from the group and throw his body in a bag and sent it to the President house in a car. (The reason is dude to the fact Kang Mu whisper some stuff to him in resulting the death of one of the member.) President found out the body at the back of the car, and confronted black hair guy and they started to talk. At this point President didn't blame Mc sister's ex They kidnap Mc, they tied him up and took him to a cabin where I believe the hunt took place.
    President plays along until at the end, he show a video of the Mc sister's ex guy killing the one guy with a bat. They pointed gun at each other instead of the Mc. Kang Mu showed up, President killed the Mc's sister ex. Then Kang Mu and Mc ends up hunting the president down. President dies and falls of a cliff. Kang Mu and Mc talked about the situation. Police found out, talk with both of them. The detective starts to become suspicious of Kang Mu and digging deeper. It may sound confusing when you read it, but everything was explain after this event which I'll explain...

    In the story, there was a flashback where the dude that almost ran over Mc was in fact one of Kang Mu's follower. Kang Mu basically sent him to do that to Mc. Kang Mu had security camera set up around that area of where events of the secret society took place and he watches it from the TV I mention earlier. In which he knew that Mc was going to get gang rape and time when to save the Mc and he knew the Mc was at when he was tied up in the hunt. Kang Mu has his eyes everywhere and knows things because of the camera he sets up. As for the woman that Mc found that was with Kang Mu was in the girl who was in the video that slept with the dead guy as they plan for the death of the dude and to send the glass guy into jail. Although the glasses did take part in the killing of the dead guy, Kang Mu planted "sort" of evidence to lead to the glasses guy as the perpetrator. If I'm not wrong, Kang Mu was the one who killed him. Also the death of the member is due to Kang Mu manipulated/sweet talk Mc sister ex into almost killing the guy. Although he didn't died yet, Kang Mu did the final blow and killed him by suffocating him. So you can say it was Kang Mu who killed the member and not Mc sister's ex as he only beat up the guy. It was Kang Mu who set up the body into the back of the car and blamed it on Mc sister's ex which in result of the outcome we had in the story. Kang Mu already knew who Mc was due to Mc's sister. Mc's sister knew Kang Mu as they were close and talk a lot. Of course you can say was, Kang Mu was the ring leader behind all the deaths and drama because if you remember, when he was younger, he killed his dog with his hand. He's like a psychopath.

    Anyway, a new guy was introduce. He is part of the detective side. He's an asshole, I hate that guy. Sadly he didn't died. Although the new guy and the detective started to plan some shit. As of now Kang Mu and Mc are living happily. Kang Mu is a doctor while Mc is in art/graphic design. The new guy blackmailed Kang Mu, he even spied on Kang Mu through a telescope from the window. Kang Mu sort of broke up with Mc and Mc was devastated and upset. Mc ends up accidentally cutting his hand from a razor as he was cutting paper. Kang Mu did showed up but eventually left. Kang Mu wouldn't let Mc kiss him and basically refuse to "sleep" with him because of the new guy. As time goes on, Kang Mu did sleep with the new guy as there was a chapter where Kang Mu was naked in bed after the new guy sweet talk himself and being all over Kang Mu. Since the new guy wants Kang Mu all to himself you can say.
    Eventually a guy ends up forcing Mc to go with him to "chat" as they were chatting about stuff, Kang Mu came in and got Mc back, and as they were driving out, a truck hit them. The guy that hit them was the new guy as the wants to show proof that Kang Mu is a bad dude aside from wanting Kang Mu to himself. Kang mu got a head injury while Mc got an leg injury. So basically the new guy was going to kill Mc, but Kang Mu came and beat the shit out of him and broke the new guy's arm. The new guy was waiting for Kang Mu to kill him to get evidence because he assume Kang Mu didn't know about him be tape wire as the whole situation was being recorded by the detective. But nope. Kang Mu knew and destroy that shit and ends up going to Mc side and tying up the leg injury Mc had. Mc ends up in the hospital. He work up and Kang Mu was there and they basically live happy ever after since that was basically the end.

    On the side note, Kang Mu was also setting up traps to lure the new guy and recording their conversation and everything he can and showed it to the detective. So basically the detective found out about the new guys nasty side before the car accident took place and confronted him. The guy who basically took Mc in and Kang Mu saved him was one of the new guy follower.

    If I miss anything, I'm sure others who read the story will correct me. I didn't fully go into details as there is a lot of details to pay attention too and it'll make more sense if you also read it. :)) it's a good story plot with twist and turns until the very end.

    I tried to keep it short T﹏T so sorry if it's too long, but as I want it to make sense as much possible. So my bad. Although I did skip a few scene that I thought wasn't too important to tell, just as a heads up. :)

    Ehhh.... January 25, 2020 8:42 pm
    SPOILER ALERT OF THE ENDING: BE WARN. If anyone check out the comment section, there is a Spoiler Alert Part too. Make sure to read that before reading this, otherwise what imma spoil probably won't make too mu... Ehhh....

    It's spoiler alert part 1*

    Da-Hua January 25, 2020 11:03 pm

    Thanks for answering, though i wont read the spoilers. :) I just want to ask, in the end, if the two main characters of the story would live and none of them dies?

    Ehhh.... January 25, 2020 11:09 pm
    Thanks for answering, though i wont read the spoilers. :) I just want to ask, in the end, if the two main characters of the story would live and none of them dies? Da-Hua

    Mhm no problem. And yes, the two main characters still lives and will have a happy ending. Aside for the rest, you can read to find out what happens to them :))

    Ehhh.... January 26, 2020 5:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Syxx

    Mhm no problem! I also hated him too!

    And I don't think I have read the sequel yet. I didn't know there was a sequel to this one.

    Ehhh.... January 27, 2020 5:36 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Syxx

    I don't understand Chinese as much aside from picking up a few Chinese character and phrases that know. So I won't guarantee you that this is 100% accurate and I will guarantee you that I will be wrong on some things. Since in the original series, a friend of mine help me translate some words that I didn't understand, but they are out of town for a while. I'll be only be able to give you a rusty summary of what I think went down.


    So from what I got from reading the sequel as of now is that, Kang Mu was introduce to the fighting show in which he started to participate in. He comes home bruise and Mc started to notice the injury but Kang Mu didn't really tell Mc what it's from. That's why Mc secretly follow Kang Mu after the art gallery. This is where Mc meets the undercut guy and undercut guy show Mc into the club where Kang Mu is fighting someone. After that the undercut guy basically threaten Kang Mu, since undercut guy either run over a lady (from what I am assuming) from speeding and he wants Kang Mu to cover it up (I'm guessing). Which is why Kang Mu went out at night to either killed someone to show proof to the undercut guy. Which is why a hand was presented to him. Obviously Kang Mu threaten the undercut guy afterward. As for the death at the end, I'm not 100% sure if the undercut guy or Kang Mu or a new killer. (It'll probably remain a mystery until more chapters comes out.) As for the crime scene of the dead lady in the woods, Kang Mu was there as a NFS member to exam the body since he is a doctor and he has personal experience in killing so he can think like a murder in a way to help. The detective was pretty much annoyed since he is not fond of Kang Mu and was venting to Mc. As for the end of the chapter in 8 as to why people were after Kang Mu, I probably won't be able to give you further details until more chapters comes out. ( I will be assuming it's the undercut guy, but we won't really know for sure ) But at the very end, Kang Mu did had the photo of the dead lady up on his laptop and if I am correct, Kang Mu is visioning himself as the perpetrator and figure out the reasoning why or what happen before she was killed and how.

    If I'm wrong on anything, I'm sure someone will help correct me on it and will tell you what exactly happen. After all, I tried to figure out what is being said and done by myself. But I'm sure that every event that happens will be thoroughly explain sometimes in the chapter like original series.

    Don't hate me. I tried :)

    I'll apologize for my bad English grammar. :)