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What the

Sleepy Ash January 25, 2020 3:43 pm

It was cute until they jumped into stupid conclusions when a "wait what do you mean?" would solve it ugghhhhh
And how could they even communicate? Is this a parallel universe where everyone speaks the same language?

    yaoitrash❀ January 25, 2020 3:52 pm

    Thank god it wasn't only me. I was so confused and frustrated when they Sal was like "Forget me" DAHECK? Baby, please talk PROPERLY. Ugh, that was a stupid plot device. I wish the author wasn't rushed to make that because it could've been so much better!

    WorldBear January 25, 2020 4:13 pm

    I feel like in a world where a mirror can transport you across the world, people can just understand each other. Logic was never part of the story.

    blatantescapist January 25, 2020 4:17 pm

    The story isn't very logical in the first place. It felt more like a modern fairy tale rather than a realistic telling of an every day romance story.

    blatantescapist January 25, 2020 4:24 pm

    The dialogue is flowery, they communicate through a magical mirror (with no explanation as to why it even exists or how it works), Shaal's country felt like some vague exotic country in another world entirely--Heck, they had some foreign country gift him spices or something and said they had a beautiful princess?? It was weird to see him in a plane, like Japan isn't far from his place. There's a loooot of things that are strange in this story. Best not to think about the trivial details because it'll ruin the magic. It's a beautiful story despite its flaws. I enjoyed it. V: