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My opinion

syazwai January 30, 2020 4:58 pm

Welll..i don't mind at all about age gap..


I was hoping this story would be a fuwa fuwa~~ relationship father and daughter

I'm enjoying the story and i will continue reading it despite a bit disappointed about the upgrade of their relationship..

Hope i can still enjoying the story until the end( ̄∇ ̄")

    Hattiert July 14, 2020 10:16 pm

    Age gap stuff doesn’t bother me either....most of the time. Unfortunately, I started reading this from the beginning as him, a loving doting father and His adorable precious child. I can’t make that mind switch on this manga. I’ll keep reading until I see that path happening, then I’ll stop. I’ll still love and not regret everything I’ve read. That’s what works for me. It won’t bother a lot of readers so I hope they continue to enjoy it.