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Yup.. no.

vyrhoci January 31, 2020 9:39 pm

I got to chapter four and I could see the drama, heartache, and hour long cursings miles and miles away. Nope, not today, not ever. I've had my fill of those stories years ago and I'm done with it.

Not to mention, that little bit of reality bout idiotic homophobes and racists, oh and how this kinda showed the darker side of reality, yeah... I don't want my blood boiling in a bad way right now.

F! First four chapters, and I could already feel all of the story... I know it's gonna be effing good but I don't want any heartaches right now, what with the initial atmosphere of the story... shits, I feel like crying for the main characters already even without reading the whole story. Dude.... seriously... take care of your heart everyone.

    Charizma February 4, 2020 12:35 pm

    It was worth the read thou! I cried laughed and went omg several times. It was a moving rollercoaster ride of emotions.

    vyrhoci February 4, 2020 1:45 pm
    It was worth the read thou! I cried laughed and went omg several times. It was a moving rollercoaster ride of emotions. Charizma

    I know it's gonna be worth it... A good story always feels that way the moment you start reading it... But, I've had too much of this types of stories back in 2011-2013... and trust me, I'm done, even if this story is so well written and has a worth it ending. xD