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first time i read this was four years ago. i revisit this manga every now and then, ayu’...

54M February 2, 2020 9:55 am

first time i read this was four years ago. i revisit this manga every now and then, ayu’s story left a mark in me. I sobbed the first time i read it and i still cry even till this day

    ojousamaa September 22, 2020 3:17 am

    Same. I read this when I was 16/17. I used to feel sorry for Ayu because she was drown in the world and forgetting her worth. I’m 26 now, and now I can relate how the author said that there’s Ayu im yourself. I did something that I am not proud of and my 17 years old will never imagine how she will be walking in the same life as Ayu had experience although not entirely.

    I’m sorry I’m ranting here but I have been consumed by regret and guilt over the past few weeks and I found this story again and cried so much. Tbh, I almost wanted to give up yesterday, but reading this again, I am positive that I still have the chance to be better.

    54M September 22, 2020 9:11 am
    Same. I read this when I was 16/17. I used to feel sorry for Ayu because she was drown in the world and forgetting her worth. I’m 26 now, and now I can relate how the author said that there’s Ayu im yoursel... ojousamaa

    hey! thanks for the reply :) I completely understand that feeling of wanting to give up, in fact I would like to believe most ppl who have read this manga can understand that seeing that ayu probably though about giving up countless times.
    Although I’m quite young (still a minor) I’ve already done many things that I can say that I sincerely regret, could probably fill a page at this point. Because of the regret, I was very close to ending it all a couple of months back, I had everything planned and was ready to go. Today I can say that I’m glad that there was some motivation in me to stay alive, it almost feels like I’m a different person since then. Whenever I feel extra depressed I come here to read about Ayu’s story all over again (although its strange since this manga itself is quite depressing), Im glad there’s other ppl that feel the same comfort I feel towards Ayu’s story.
    Guilt and regret are two tough sons of a bleep, they’re like the high school bullies you come across every once in a while, they’re always there ready to bring you down, confronting them is scary but once you overcome it, the feeling of freedom you get is worth the fight. I’m very glad that you decided to keep going, if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of reading this reply!! hope you have a fantastic day and many moreヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    ojousamaa September 22, 2020 10:17 am

    To you too comrades