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2seung doesn't deserve this

terrortwo February 3, 2020 4:16 pm

hi everyone! i want to write in defense of 2seung, since bongocat has their "friends" to aggressively back them up and i feel sympathetic for 2seung. i looked through the list of things bongocat accused 2seung of. both of them spoke harshly to each other which i do think both of them shouldn't have done so. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) but it's not true that 2seung harassed or stalked bongocat.

the threads showed that she was the first to leave the conversation, and sometimes only replied once or twice. she has also commented on other people's topics which didn't involve bongocat, and bongocat then replied to it. bongocat also exaggerated that 2seung was shading Claude4ever.

many of us have arguments on here. both bongocat and 2seung were rude to each other. ( ̄へ ̄) but bongocat, motherussia and hellobitches are going too far by ganging up on 2seung. motherrussia was the first to say that "if u meet any anonymous user in ur thread, its most likely 2seung and their friend". that's a bold statement! why they said this is because an anonymous user brought up the isekai comment.

2seung says she wasn't commenting on the page which i believe, since she took around 4 hours to reply the accusation. anyone would have jumped on it immediately. this means that motherrussia randomly brought 2seung up out of nowhere.

hello bitches also claimed that 2seung tried to meme bongocat. what happened was that while arguing with 2seung, bongocat called herself an "isekai MC" while 2seung was a "petty bitch" and the "isekai villainess". it was not 2seung who memed this, it was another user called Anonymous who posted this on the front page.

i think what's scary is that bongocat, motherrussia and hellobitches are very likely the same people. i'm an english linguistics major so i know that when esl speakers make certain grammatical mistakes, they tend to be unique to your native language because that's how you think. these 3 come in only when each other are fighting on a topic, make the same mistakes and are very, very engrossed in trying to paint 2seung as the bad guy. they post the same links and things to discredit 2seung. i asked them for a screenshot of them talking to one another, but bongocat refuses to send me one.

you can see the entire list of false accusations bongocat wrote here:

please, let's just stop fighting. it's horrible that one person is so angry enough to spread lies about 2seung.

    BongoCat February 3, 2020 4:07 pm

    hello, I do want to clarify that the last thread where the harassment continued had been deleted, by me yesterday. I had regretted that decision as it was a comment of me moving on and talking about a non related issue about the new crack translator. And Anonymous showed me their meme. I think doing this to me for more than ten times. Even if she did leave the thread last, it was almost always her that started replying to me. And I only comment on her when she does that. It has gotten to the level that they would talk to me about the isekai thing and tell others in the same thread like it was a big deal. The links above were just a fraction of it since I literally cannot dig through the entire comment section! The timeline is in shambles! After the tenth time getting reminded about the isekai meme, I just feel done. It would have been all fine and dandy if not for the case that today, where some random anonymous dude or lady started the Isekai thing claiming that I called anyone isekai villains for siding with DnA scans. And as you can see, I do want to compromise with them, but all they have done is accuse me and deny any argument I made. They tell me it is not that big an issue, but they also do not want to back down on their side and maintain me as harassing them when it was them that started this.

    If they were not harassing me, then why did that isekai comment come out today again as an anon comment? I really want to ask this. Did you know about this issue before this? If so then who else other than them would remember this thread that was like 4 days ago, buried inside a mountain of comments.

    This is the conversation between me and MotherRussia. She had her icon black for obvious reasons.

    terrortwo February 3, 2020 4:10 pm

    EDIT: after about an hour, bongocat has came up with screenshots showing that she was conversing with motherussia/hellobitches.

    from the first picture, you can already tell that these are fabricated, the "j" is much to close to the bubble line. the "No lah" has the same problem.

    it makes no sense that the screenshots are unclear and pixelated, have you ever taken a screenshot that became this pixelated? the bubbles are not consistently shaped either. there's even a random line that occurs in the middle of picture 3.

    BongoCat February 3, 2020 4:20 pm

    Think about it this way. Mother Russia would not have started this if that anon comment never came out. A lot of these anons started showing to threaten reporting the scans when the translators showed that they can do the scans themselves. In a sense, my argument won and the fans liked the new translator. MotherRussia replied to anon comment threatening to tell the artists.

    And another anon by the name of passerby suddenly started talking about the isekai comment. The fact that it was anon was already suspicious. 1. They most likely cannot join a thread and most likely did not notice the threads from days ago. And yet they somehow know of the isekai issue.

    Even though that thread is already in the tenth section of the comments. How could they have known if not for one of these two. Mother Russia even indicated that she included both. It was either one of them. Yes, my friend overreacted and she should have mentioned both. However, if someone was defaming you or your friend and even hiding as an Anon, anyone would just be frustrated in that situation. They ask me to show that we are not the same using imgur, yet they have no evidence that the anon was not them either.

    BongoCat February 3, 2020 4:27 pm
    EDIT: after about an hour, bongocat has came up with screenshots showing that she was conversing with motherussia/hellobitches. the first picture, you can already tell that these... terrortwo

    I am sorry I had a life of my own to live. It is over midnight here! I did not even see seung asking me to share the imgur until I got back. At this rate, I feel like I need to authenticate who you are too. Can you give me evidence that you all are not trolling in favor of seung.

    BongoCat February 3, 2020 4:31 pm
    EDIT: after about an hour, bongocat has came up with screenshots showing that she was conversing with motherussia/hellobitches. the first picture, you can already tell that these... terrortwo

    there! its on a laptop!

    BongoCat February 3, 2020 4:33 pm
    EDIT: after about an hour, bongocat has came up with screenshots showing that she was conversing with motherussia/hellobitches. the first picture, you can already tell that these... terrortwo

    there! its on a laptop! I swear you already have conditional bias against me. Also the language is singlish in case you did not know! We use words like leh, lah again and again in informal settings. That is how I talk when I am not on here so that you muricans can understand.

    Trinitymoon February 3, 2020 11:03 pm

    Why jump in it from reading the threads it looks like 2seung(which ever account being used)started but now bongocat(same)is keeping it going. This shouldn't bother y'all so much you'll never see each other on real life. If u do u won't know we should just hope this keeps getting translated

    Trinitymoon February 3, 2020 11:04 pm
    Why jump in it from reading the threads it looks like 2seung(which ever account being used)started but now bongocat(same)is keeping it going. This shouldn't bother y'all so much you'll never see each other on r... Trinitymoon

    And I know i jumped in but now I'm jumping out BYE lol