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I feel so empty after reading this. I've seen people bashing the boyfriend and the little ...

LizMars February 4, 2020 11:11 am

I feel so empty after reading this. I've seen people bashing the boyfriend and the little brother equally, but honestly? There wasn't REALLY a villain in this story. Everyone had their faults. But to be fair the little brother never actually made a move on the MC. He respected the relationship (and his brother) enough to NOT sexually assault him as we've seen countless times in yaoi manga. The boyfriend gave me bad/creepy vibes with his possessiveness, but it's not like he was chaining the MC to the bed and refusing to let him leave his side. In the end, the MC made his choice. There was never a romantic relationship with his little brother (even if a lot of us were fond of the little brother!). Clearly there were TONS of unsolved issues by the end of the manga, which is why I feel so empty! It needed better closure for me personally, but I will respect the authors choices. It was their story to tell!

    Liz February 4, 2020 4:18 pm

    Yesss!!!! I just wish the couple had a more healthy development towards the end ╥﹏╥ but otherwise I liked the ending