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Back here again cuz I need to find one certain BL. Romance between a wandering monk(?) And...

Eggu_chan February 4, 2020 12:09 pm

Back here again cuz I need to find one certain BL. Romance between a wandering monk(?) And a supposed cursed child.

What I can remember: so--kid is deemed cursed by the people of his village, his family gets banished(but his mom doesn't hate him for it) they settled down in an abandoned shrine I think??? The kid can communicate with animals or something. Time skip and I believe mother passed on, then a wandering monk comes in, stays with kid for a while, stuff happened, kid "curses" his village and he and the monk leaves on a journey. Joined by their wolf friend(I think it was a wolf anyway). They arrive at a big city, misunderstandings. I think someone crisscrossed, more stuff happen, then the manga ends when they ride on a boat. All I can remember
