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What in the name of..! There's this Hindustani guy in my grade who's just like Rio, long h...

Happy Tween \(>o<)/ April 21, 2014 3:23 pm

What in the name of..! There's this Hindustani guy in my grade who's just like Rio, long hair and all, and even goes around hugging people out of nowhere and stuff... (@*q*@) wish me happy shipping! >\\<

    Insomniac September 4, 2014 3:31 am

    Lmao. Happy shipping! Rio was attractive~~ And I just have a thing for long haired semes.

    Anonymous January 9, 2015 9:48 am
    Lmao. Happy shipping! Rio was attractive~~ And I just have a thing for long haired semes. @Insomniac

    I also love long haired semester