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So much feelings

Angelie February 5, 2020 3:04 pm

I marked this manga as 'want to read' since 7/7/2017. But honestly I just read this manga two days ago. The 'prostitution theme' always makes me sad, really, my heart can't take it. So, I gave up multiple times when I read the story.. I knew this is fiction but I just can't handle my hurt heart..
But I'm glad I can read until the last page, and I am very very happy this manga has a happy ending! I just want Kagerou and Kichou live happily together.. Once again, I know this is fiction, but -thanks to sensei-, I've cried multiple times, like I saw the characters in front of my eyes.. even the extra chapter from volume 2 is damn sad..
Well, I love the story and I love how beautiful Kagerou and Kichou in kimono!

    Cecicatg July 13, 2020 9:53 pm

    I get youuuuuuu, I tried reading it so many times, but I couldn't. Like you said, even tho it's fiction it gave me the feels thinking there are real people in this situation or worse and they won't get a happy ending :c but after some days of painful reading we got to the final happy ending we needed so much ╥﹏╥