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Techno is so cute. When I saw him being excited about the garden the first chapter I was r...

Alexushi94 February 6, 2020 8:39 am

Techno is so cute. When I saw him being excited about the garden the first chapter I was really sold for this series. And when the drama picked up it was so good. I cried multiple times. I actually love techno here. Usually romance in manga and anime (particularly in shoujo though) depict characters with lovers who had exes that died as a bit selfish. I mean I understand the pain of seeing your lover think about the ex, but yeah you can 't just expect him to move past that easily.

Techno understood seiji's love for the uke. And he understood that the uke won't forget him any time soon and he doesn't need to forget him since truth be told when people close to you die you don't really forget them or move on from that you just learn to live without them. Techno didn't force himself on him and allowed hin to grieve but allowed him to live as well. This is just beautiful and is quite a hidden gem in yaoi. T_T
