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The only thing that bothers me is Hazama getting equal treatment like...... no neglect or ...

Anonymous February 9, 2020 3:17 am

The only thing that bothers me is Hazama getting equal treatment like...... no neglect or rejection doesn't mean you can kidnap, rape, and imprison someone with no consequences?! Everyone else has some kind of self defense or abuse to justify but this dude had no redeeming reason to be happy with everyone. :/

    Naefries August 7, 2020 8:32 pm

    yes he raped her and in no way do i support rape but she did her share of the half , he gave her NO reason to rape her but i think it was clarified she would emotionally beat and berate him and made him feel horrid , all the stuff he went through you kinda feel bad for him

    nadirella September 6, 2020 4:06 am
    yes he raped her and in no way do i support rape but she did her share of the half , he gave her NO reason to rape her but i think it was clarified she would emotionally beat and berate him and made him feel ho... Naefries

    She had an emotional outburst because he wouldnt leave her alone?? You think that justifies rape and abuse? Wtf. His family also showed no signs of abusing him, he's the one who decided that he's not part of the family anymore. His father's only fault is not consulting him regarding the new wife. I'm sorry but I have absolutely no sympathy for him, he shouldve paid for his crimes.