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GoSpark February 14, 2020 12:04 am

I really have a bad feeling about this manga.
Wolfsan is controlling but only cause he doesnt know another way to express his feelings to him in a "kind" way. Hes a brute and crass and almost childishly possessive.

Snakesan, is already dubbed as the villain ever since the workers hinted at him. And yet he shows exactly what the uke wants to bring him to his side, coming from such families, i wouldnt be surprised if they both dont know how to show their feelings well cuz their parents never showed then how it is to love. They could only "control". Obedience to them is "love". But snakesan, is a literal snake. And uke is too trusting.

Uke obeys at the slightest kindness and tiny shout. Not just a weak will but also weak constitution. Hell be dragged along by them all throughout this manga until his vcard is gotten by one of them. Not even 20 chapters and almost all of his being has been touched.
