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This was a long time ago. 2009?

Demirah February 16, 2020 1:31 pm

Its Hard to explain but i will try
Probably my first shonen Ai
Its about people who dreams. When you enter to that dream you will be someone you are afraid of (your fear) Like for instance the ML is afraid that he is gay so in that dream she is in a women school uniform. And then he is with other people. He is not alone in that dream. The other actor is afraid of vulnerablity. Thats why hes wearing armor(head to toe) its unfair to the main lead coz the other actor can see his face but the other is in full armor. That why he can hide his face. But the armor guy knows the ML in real life and pretends he doesnt know him in the dream. Coz its awkard that h knows that his fear is that he is gay. Its hard to wake up in that dream unless you manage to solve it. It happend or sometimes they cant control and they could go back to that dream. They were many of them . But they can only get out of that dream ifff they overcome their fear

    Demirah February 16, 2020 1:34 pm

    I wasnt able to finish it because at that yaois wasnt my cup of tea. And its still ongoing by then. I stopped but It always hunts me. Likee do they get happy ending. It was popular before in some manga website by that time. Thats why I was able to read it. THANK YOU FOR READING MY COMMENTS DESPITE MY GRAMMARS

    RottenRose February 16, 2020 3:06 pm

    I wanna know the title too (=・ω・=)

    Demirah February 17, 2020 11:00 am
    This one? Drity Thoughts

    Omg!! How did you find that!! Thank youuu

    Drity Thoughts February 18, 2020 1:20 am
    Omg!! How did you find that!! Thank youuu Demirah

    lol Read it a long time ago and know what tags to look for. ;)

    Demirah February 18, 2020 2:18 am
    lol Read it a long time ago and know what tags to look for. ;) Drity Thoughts

    Thank youu!! Done reading it :)