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Bro wtf To be honest, when i saw the last story, at first it didnt really bother me. I sa...

Hopeless_shipper February 16, 2020 7:11 pm

Bro wtf

To be honest, when i saw the last story, at first it didnt really bother me. I saw it as a kinda open relationship. I understand and respect that. However, some jealous dude pushes your lboyfriend down the stair and-tho i dont blame him for not cathing him, since it couldve been reflex to get out of the way- he chases after that dude because his "f e e l i n g s" got fucking hurt, without bothering to check if your boyfriend is hurt physically, because he obviously is in the emotional part.

If not caught, he could have died.
Does he not care?!?!
Even if the pushed down the stairs was just a friend by a jealous lover and not someone i really cared about, id cut things with that lover immediately.

Anyone capable of doing that isnt a good person

Also, and i feel this is an important point to adress, The seme isnt going to change.

As to how i know?

He was worried about his fucking lover after his boyfriend got pushed down the stairs and even tried to protect him from the uke.

like, oh yes, he pushed you down the stairs and might have possibly tried to kill you because he was jealous i slept with you more times than i did him, but youre not gonna hold that against him, righ?

The fuck is wrong with him.
