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Honestly, in the beginning, I used to think that Otani was a jerk But after rewatching the...

Spoiler February 17, 2020 2:19 pm

Honestly, in the beginning, I used to think that Otani was a jerk
But after rewatching the anime, I changed my mind.
He was dense, really dense. But he probably saw Risa as a friend back then, so he rejected her.
But remember the times he was kind. And tried to cheer up. And tried to confront her many times.
I mean this story is on the realistic side. Otani was being himself. Like in typical shoujos, guys are bit more different. I mean its not like all guys in the world are smart and not dense.

Besides, Risa and Otani dont try to hard to be a typical couple. They are themselves, bickering everytime. Besised, after they became a couple, Otani is very nice .

At this point I dont even know what im talking about, but the thing is ...after watching the anime again...I felt as if I was Risa, falling for Otani (is it weird?)

So yeah I love them both
Bye guys!

    Lucy May 24, 2020 6:25 am

    Omggg, yes as i was reading it, he was so cool at times and I was like But what I mean is I get what you’re saying as I agree with everything haha . I love this manga so much.

    suwehg~ December 13, 2020 5:56 am

    I totally agree with youuu !!~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    This comment just made me love this manga even moreeee <3