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GoSpark February 19, 2020 10:59 pm

Thats totally pointless cuz theyve done it raw many times. Secondly, how cruel to mark those omega girls when he couldve just done a temporary mark, now those girls will suffer heats and they cant find an alpha. Third, how the heck can anybody just walk in a company? I tried that with my sister's and i have to login a logbook, get an id pass, you cant just walk in any elevator or stairs sneakily. So how the?

And frick. I feel like im losing morals reading tbis because i almost wanted to ship the brother with him just cause their coloring is better to look at than black haired and blond character. I wish they werent brothers. XD

    Tmsmyaoi February 20, 2020 4:09 am

    First your last comment/paragraph ........... Read chapter 3 page 18.