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Story really slow but interesting!!

dorishpp February 20, 2020 9:05 am

I usually only read yaoi manga but this story is very interesting in it's slow boring way!! I am glad they finally talked to each other but I know this is just the beginning and Satoshi is a little bit upset with Teppei because of the lies he has told him!! I say Teppei might as well come clean with all you are doing and show Satoshi that you aren't doing anything that would mess with their feelings!! Communication is the key to a good relationship!! They need to really talk to each other tell each other longer then just a minute here and there. I think Teppei's roommate wants to tell Satoshi everything about Teppei even the bad stuff that is none of his business to tell, so I say to Teppei tell Satoshi yourself!!! The only way Teppei is going to stop Satoshi from going over to his place it to move back home or get his own place!! I hope they are finally done with the father funeral it's taking so long!! There I go again talking and talking just some of my thoughts for this story and now I can't wait until the next chapter so PLEASE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE ASAP!! thx D
