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Distract me

Jin February 20, 2020 2:48 pm

Give me something, a funny manga, a funny story that happened to you, a dumb webtoon, a 1 chapter thing that everyone forgot except you

Because I'm bored

    There is always a but February 20, 2020 3:58 pm

    I was boasting my unpredictability and spontaneity to my new partner. At this moment, he slowly brought his lips to mine and whispered voluptuously, "So, amaze me." To this day I don’t know why I burped in response...

    Jin February 20, 2020 7:05 pm
    I was boasting my unpredictability and spontaneity to my new partner. At this moment, he slowly brought his lips to mine and whispered voluptuously, "So, amaze me." To this day I don’t know why I burped in re... There is always a but

    And I'm sure that after your beautiful and delicate laugh he kneels and immediatly asks if you want to be his wife/husband, because he was amazed by your beauty