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Dulce February 21, 2020 3:59 am

I'm pretty amazed at how much some readers wanted the rapist to be together with his victim. A victim that wasn't obligated to feel the same as him or to be "ok let's go out, I forgive everything you did to me"

It's one thing to feel that he can change, can grow up and also find a new love and maybe the author can show that. But, it's disgusting how some are glorifying his attitude and actions by claiming he was the only character the cared for, the only character they liked?

The most horrible comment I saw was someone saying how they wanted Chiwoo to lose his memories so they could be friends again. What's wrong with you people?!

    ali13a February 21, 2020 8:08 am

    Hey, I totally agree with you, but you should keep in mind that there are actually a lot of Yaoi mangas where the rapist ends up with the victims. So, maybe that’s why there were so many fans that shipped chiwoo with that guy. Every one has different opinions and preferences. Overall, the ending was fitting and the author did a great job.:)

    iloveanimr February 22, 2020 3:03 am


    Dulce February 22, 2020 5:18 am
    Hey, I totally agree with you, but you should keep in mind that there are actually a lot of Yaoi mangas where the rapist ends up with the victims. So, maybe that’s why there were so many fans that shipped chi... ali13a

    This is a long comment.

    I do know about those mangas, I have read novels and mangas with the ending you mention and being honest I will still read them in the near future even if they are bad (lately I have been keen on scum gongs novels), so I'm not judging people for the type of manga they read. But there's a difference with those mangas/novels and this one in particular, they never get serious with rape or abuse. You have to acknowledge that after being raped the victim never gets/show a trauma and in fact they are the one searching/pursuing the rapist. A lot of famous mangas started with this topic and never admitted that what happened was rape, the only one that did it is Hidoku Shinaide. One volume only manga and old school mangas fit with this too.
    So even if i find them infuriating I mostly only blame myself for having a little hope on them, for getting upset when I knew what I would get of them, and in the weird case I blame the author for ruining their own story (when the story could've been different but they choose the easy route for the protagonists to get together)

    But in this one, it's pretty obvious since the beginning how uncomfortable Chiwoo is with just a memory of Jihyun. In the firsts chapters he was unwilling to make friends due to their past, he trows up after being kissed by him, he gets scared and anxious when the other is near him. The guy puts him on edge every time he shows up yet people still thought this will be the same as those mangas? He has PTSD with the guy, he said no, stop again and again but people still shipped them? Since the start it the theme the manhwa was about was showing the consequences of their past for Chiwoo and he gets on track again (for me it was kinda clear Kyujin was end game too or that at least the importance in his role for the new life Chiwoo desired).

    I know that everyone has their own preferences but after all that I explained I feel that maybe if Jihyun really regretted his actions and changed I would understand why they still tought Chiwoo would forgive him? But the only reason he got back was to threaten the guy and to repeat his actions again. And still people call him likeable? There are antiheros but this guy is not one.

    So I was disgusted at how people pinned the wrong expectections on the story when it was a more mature and even a kinda realistic portrayal of the commom events in yaoi mangas since it first chapter, their comments made me wonder if they really read the manga or if they just were by for a ship. (those comments about Chiwoo losing his memories were the worst though)

    I don't even hope anything bad to Jihyun, I even hope that the auhtor shows how Jihyun finally realizes how bad he was,how he grows up and maybe a how he finds a new love without being obsessed with it. I just don't get people that wanted them to be together after everything that was shown.

    Dulce February 22, 2020 5:32 am

    Sorry for my grammar mistakes!