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Just copy paste the reply i type. And wondering why?

Michiyo February 22, 2020 4:27 am

I dont know about other ppl but there are many ppl who like claude. Its not like i equalize claude and the prince but they both did the scary things to FL and both are changed in the second time line bcs personality development of fl. Many others who died in the hand of ml, end up with them such as survive as hero wife. I know many ppl dont like the prince but why u like the other chara who hv the same fate? Just bcs this story describe cruelty more than many other manhwa who hv the same story. And just bcs fl hv many suitors u hv the reason not to like and speak ill of the ml? I think its the same in case of real life when others people behave around you in accordance with the way you behaved around them. Im not saying that the prince is right but i at least want to know why the hate not happening in others manhwa. And btw i already read all the derogatory comments and still wondering why? Please remember that the creator of this story is human too and hv many flaw.

Pardon my english bcs its not my mother tongue.
