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The older brother

mimi February 25, 2020 3:50 am

I felt SOOO bad for the older brother like, YES he pulled a bad prank as a kid, but he was just a little kid! And the whole favoritism the parents had with his younger brother (though it wasn't on purpose)... PLUS being feeling so guilty he changed the narrative but for years didn't receive the help for the obvious serious mental turmoil he felt, when he really, REALLY needed mental help. Plus the weird shape of the resentment towards his brother, but also his younger brother looking down on him. And then the whole inferiority complex with his LITERALLY perfect brother. Like he's not perfect, and acted like an asshole, and his younger brother went through hell, but danm... idk I just felt for the guy.

    BabyTy February 21, 2021 10:59 am

    Weirdo! no kid should pull a prank like that wtf- the shît that the ml had to go through!