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everything here is true. And if anyone said it’s not then that’s a lie. Maybe not ever...

Scarlet February 25, 2020 11:12 pm

everything here is true. And if anyone said it’s not then that’s a lie. Maybe not everyone like this but 90% are like this or even WORST. In some countries if a family found out their daughter is in love with someone or dating they would KILL HER! If you don’t believe me then go and see Twitter. They treat women as SHIT.
As I said not everyone like this but the majority. Sooorrrry for my bad English

    Amy January 22, 2021 4:43 pm

    Man... How do you generalise a whole population of people from different countries and cultures w/o stats... "Majority"?
    Pls don't take those words lightly when discussing in this context. Perhaps , did you mistaken a country's culture or whatever tf that horrible thing can be called for slamic culture?