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im not even gonna read this beacus i saw the Naruto DJ with SAKURA AND NARUTO? FUCK SAKURA...

ILoveYaoiMoreThanYall May 2, 2014 9:20 pm

im not even gonna read this beacus i saw the Naruto DJ with SAKURA AND NARUTO? FUCK SAKURA WHEN WILL THAT BITCH DIE? -.-" IT IS SASUNARU!

    Anonymous May 2, 2014 10:28 pm

    hahaha yr comment really made my day yeaqh i m totally with y!

    Nick May 3, 2014 6:48 pm

    HAHHh AHAHHAHAHHAH IKR SHES FUCKING MEAN, the whole anime will be ruined if sakura gets together with sasuke or naruto -.-

    TUTU May 18, 2014 3:26 pm

    you are missing out man! don't let that bitch get between you and good yaoi!!!

    Anonymous June 4, 2014 12:50 pm

    Mind me interrupting but can you guys go badmouthing somewhere else like Naruto comment section?? I haven't read or watched Naruto so I know nothing about the characters but this is not even Naruto DJ.
    And how can you make judgement when you haven't even read it yet. I enjoyed this work and this author's other work much. If you are not going to read then just don't read.

    OmfgYAOIRevulution!!!! August 18, 2014 6:23 pm

    I read it and it was actually good! but still naruto x sakura is a BIG FAT NO! SASUNARU ALL THE WAY BABE and i am gonna read all this mangakas stories here just read rutta no kodamo or something was really good!