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CrystalWings March 2, 2020 9:34 am

I feel like, while it had some open holes and confusing parts, it was like pretty cool up until like ch 80 something. Had a strong start, but dropped off a little cuz of all the holes. Except things got kind of illogical around check 80s. Like she's still stuck between two guys when she's clearly had MULTIPLE tearful rejections towards one of them. By the 2nd time, I was sure they were like never gonna talk friendly to each other. LOW AND BEHOLD. it happens. And it makes no sensE, and it was completely put of nowhere. it's like the is deliberately trying to nonsensically prolong the 2 guys pinning over one girl scenario. When in reality this really could've taken a cuter, more logical turn if she just rejected that dude. It really didn't need to be like this...... (/TДT)/
At this point, I don't know what's going on anymore.
