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Fuckin' hell...

RockCandy13 March 6, 2020 6:34 am

I must be some kind of masochist because I just keep reading this shit. And now I'm going to rant, for the third time I think...
Shinwoo shouldn't have a chance with either of these guys! Why are they so into him?! I don't understand! Why do they give him a chance, knowing they will get fucked over?! Why?! Sebin needs to understand that Shinwoo isn't into him as a lover because he doesn't fuck him the right way, so he will continue to cheat. And Taesoo needs to understand that he will never be seen as more than a walking dildo. Like wtf?! Uggghhh! I need to know, why they haven't caught on! Why?!!
I'm going to read something less frustrating and clear my anger, because I just cannot take it anymore! I think I only keep reading to see when Shinwoo will be dumped by both of these dudes. I feel it has to happen sometime, and I want to be there when it happens. HERE'S HOPING SHINWOO GETS NO ONE!

Ahh, I feel a little better now.
