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Omg does anyone know when is Brave s gonna be released as an anime? That last battle made ...

Neko-kun May 7, 2014 6:40 am

Omg does anyone know when is Brave s gonna be released as an anime? That last battle made me even more impatient.

    JeanneZoroLaw January 13, 2016 3:19 am

    I don't think that's gonna happen but maybe I'm wrong.. The anime and the manga are slightly different... In the manga, the new element of fire is Hattori Hanzo. He was the head of Iga ninja that wants to kidnap Isanami then became the new element of fire. In the anime, I think he was devoured by darkness not only his right hand,, his whole body.. So, if they going to make an anime I don't know how they gonna change the story n plus I don't think the author (Shimotsuki Kairi) will like it if they change a lot...