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This manga is rather fast paced. It's to the point where some stories almost made me confu...

Anonymous March 12, 2020 7:31 am

This manga is rather fast paced. It's to the point where some stories almost made me confused or confused me a little.

1st and main story: T'was okay. Not really all that outstanding, but straight to the point. My suggestion is, if he's having a hard time studying, shouldn't he try to have someone else teach him, or maybe be made to take cram classes? He still wants to pass, right? I get that his childhood friend is possessive and probably can't stand the former suggestion, but I don't think any tutoring is going to help properly with that guy being distracted. It's all just dismissed as, "he really loves me, to the point he can't focus on anything but me." At this point, it's doubtful if they'll manage to reach that goal, but perhaps... perhaps somehow, one way or another, if the delinquent guy is determined and the childhood friend disregards his hot stares in favor of helping him (get a little of the sterness of the light haired guy in the 2nd story so you can push him to his goal!), maybe they'll make it.

2nd story: This is rather confusing. So I get that they're quarelling, there's some form of competition between the two of them, and that may have been one of the things that attracted them to one another.
What I don't get is why, after all the scolding and the like, after the all nighter and the stress and the feelings of pride being trampled on, he still has enough energy and willpower to cling onto and spend time with the light haired guy. I understand that the light haired guy's pushing him to be the best he could be (maybe) and he thinks if he's not good enough, he may not be able to stay by his lover's side. But as it is, with such intense pressure, it's not good for him. One day, he'll collapse, and then he won't forgive himself. Light haired guy should understand this, too. Work is important, and pressures push you to your limits, but understand that he's a human, and he's doing his best to uphold what little else of the machinery of him is going on.
Basically, this was tiring to read. Is it going to be that way all the time? Them living in their work, and the light haired guy pressuring the dark haired guy as the dark haired guy anxiously does his best to strive even harder? That light haired guy would probably realize the problem when he breaks one day, he's not some sort of superman.

3rd story: Rather fast paced. Provided, the alcohol and his friend's advancements did help speed stuff along, but one moment he's crying over his girlfriend, and in the next, he suddenly seems to only have his friend in his mind. Ah, well. Odd, but nothing to think too much about.

4th story: Blackmail. It's sad, because he resorted to this. It's sad, because what if the teacher didn't like him, and is just being with him because of the blackmail? Then he never really was loved, and he was lying to himself as he hurt his beloved. Well, that wasn't the case, but it would've been more awesome if he didn't end up resorting to that. Is it a case of loving to the point of hating/hurting?
