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all cute stories! BUT the uke's were very girlish drawed and sometimes they didnt even hav...

Nick May 9, 2014 3:41 pm

all cute stories! BUT the uke's were very girlish drawed and sometimes they didnt even have a dick and just had female forms tiny shoulders and a big butt,disliked that very much why so girlish?? :( it is supposed to be 2 males ! 2 BEAST all the ukes is to girlish made you need to remember to keep them Male or it will be a lure manga like it was suppose to be not yaoi. this was a lure yaoi, girls with a dick it looked like to me. very good art on the semes tho i would've liked the ukes if they were drawed more manly! cus i could'nt tell if it were females or males if it had not been any text i would've thought that it was females with dicks

    ILoveYaoiMoreThanYall May 14, 2014 1:48 pm

    Agree totally they are suppose to be beasts but its cute anyways

    guess who May 20, 2014 3:27 pm

    i agree, tho the story plot was good, all it needs to be corrected is the ukes. the semes made me shiver in excitement and.... u kno the rest... happy reading yaoi ppl

    whoop June 27, 2014 7:35 am

    I think you guys would prefer bara. Just a little tip.
    Bara is men's love, which is what I think you're looking for. Yaoi is boy's love, which is why they look girlish sometimes. You know, "pretty boy."
    I for one like girly ukes, as long as they don't have a cliche personality.
    So no, it's not supposed to be beasts. Go check out bara, there's some really good ones out there! It's actually becoming more popular too. If I remembered the names I'd totally link you guys some, however I'm a forgetful little derp sometimes.
    You could probably just Google it and find some too.

    Sugar July 3, 2014 8:44 pm

    Nah, I don't think these people are implying that they're looking for bara. How I interpret it is that they're saying the ukes in this particular manga are especially feminine looking and I have to agree with them on that. However, I still find this manga extremely cute c:

    Rittie June 11, 2015 5:14 pm
    Nah, I don't think these people are implying that they're looking for bara. How I interpret it is that they're saying the ukes in this particular manga are especially feminine looking and I have to agree with t... @Sugar

    That's the point. Yaoi is boy's love and Bara is man's love. That's all there is to it.