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I'm sure dude is teasing her like that because he likes her... Which makes him infuriating...

Namika March 15, 2020 5:32 pm

I'm sure dude is teasing her like that because he likes her... Which makes him infuriating. I hate that way of showing affection. It's easy to overdo it and hurt your loved one.
And yeah, Rosy is kind of annoying. I don't mind her being naive and childish, but she could do with some growing up...

    PinkWhy March 15, 2020 5:58 pm

    Well huard said it didn't he. That ralph wants to keep her young and childish. I think, and this is just from seeing too much fucked up shit so I'm probably really wrong, but what if he just want to keep her a pure little virgin cuz he has this wierd hate towards sexual and confident women

    Comadrin June 7, 2020 7:29 am

    To treat the girl you like as though she's an idiot is definitely a form of psychological abuse, somewhat akin to gaslighting. From eveything we've seen and heard in the story so far, everyone in her life, Guard, her father, grandfather, and Ralph, pretty much treated her as though she was stupid from the word go. Peter, her lawyer, doesn't seem to be any different, either. Also, all of these anti-confidence boosting people are older than her. After all that, she's definitely going to have some issues with self confidence and personal worth. Everyone seems to have acted in ways that would keep her childish and have low esteem, then turn right around and blame her right and left for being that way. Also, is it really childish and selfish to work for a homeless shelter (and under a grumpy, critical a**hole who finds fault with everything she does)?