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You know what FUCK this manga it was complete shit. You can boast about reality all you wa...

Anonymous March 17, 2020 4:20 am

You know what FUCK this manga it was complete shit. You can boast about reality all you want, not gonna change my opinion on this piece of fiction. I kept reading in hopes that it would get better, that the characters would get better, that mame would get some self respect, that sou would actually show that his level of love for mame was at least equal to the love she held for him for fucking 20 years of waiting. But nope it was crap from start to end with the most boring and unsatisfying ending. At least its finally over

    Anonymous April 8, 2020 6:45 am

    oh god i completely agree. i used to like the author a few years back but i've realized most of what she has written hasn't actually been very good - just pretty art.