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the first time I read manhwa I think it was bad. But after read several of it including th...

dada May 11, 2014 2:08 pm

the first time I read manhwa I think it was bad. But after read several of it including this one

    De June 28, 2014 6:10 pm

    When I first read ch 1. I didn't like it but a few months later I came back and read it and decided to see how it goes and now I love it.

    ^_^ July 3, 2014 3:06 pm

    I started reading this because I figured 'why not?' and through the first chapter didn't like it but knew that if I didn't stick with it I would regret it. I am so glad I continued to read it until the latest chapter because I am in love with this story. From past readsas experience, Manhwa tends to have a lot more drama in the genres I read but even with that I can't manage to pull myself away.