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Yeah... that's right that the drawing and the art isn't the prettiest we can see and I don...

Rui May 11, 2014 5:11 pm

Yeah... that's right that the drawing and the art isn't the prettiest we can see and I don't know if the typical art of 90's is often like that, but I also think this yaoi's actually interesting. It's so unlike from the others yaoi... :)

All the pretty arts and graphisms don't still give us the greatest stories and scenarios, that's what I think lately...

    Shadow January 3, 2015 8:04 pm

    Finally! Someone who isn't complaining about the art! THANK YOU! XD ^.^

    Honestly this art is better than more than half the shit I come up with myself, so I give props to these Mangakas who can continuously draw the same characters over and over, with fluid consistency, as well as make a storyline out of it without having the readers go "Wait... that's the same person?? The drawing is COMPLETELY OFF from the first page... Blah blah blah," like my friends do with mine...
