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It doesn't make sense.

ren March 19, 2020 6:51 am

It doesn't make sense.

    AkiAyano March 19, 2020 6:09 pm

    Shes supposed to be the heir to her great grandmother's will and I'm guessing ren was given to her to protect her from the family trying to do her harm once they find out. They both met in the past at her parents funeral and he's the reason she was able to pick herself back up. Fast forward, she's meeting the family her great grandmother is from, like her aunts and uncles, cousins etc to discuss how the will-will be given to her. The family isnt happy about this arrangement. Side note: Yuri doesn't like that ren isn't hers anymore (now with Ritsu). On the other hand aoi wants to clear up gambling debt so he kidnaps her in order to get the money. Ren knows aoi is up to no good and asks aoi's sister, his cousin, to help him locate her. She agrees but only if ren becomes hers instead and leaves ritsu. He also agrees since he's basically there to protect ritsu and if it weren't for her he wouldn't even be in the family, she is his reason for existing. He rescues her in time before she's raped but she still feels awful so ren takes her away, back to their home and they have sweet love making time. Then he leaves her to fulfill his promise to yuri for helping him find ritsu. That's where the story is now at the latest chapter.

    ren March 20, 2020 1:11 am
    Shes supposed to be the heir to her great grandmother's will and I'm guessing ren was given to her to protect her from the family trying to do her harm once they find out. They both met in the past at her paren... AkiAyano


    Thank you for the explanation. I'm also wondering why Ren is in that situation where he is treated like a commodity. I'm also assuming Ren has been Yuri's sex toy before he was " given" to Ritsu...... to supposedly protect her, ? but why should it include having sex with her? Is that always part of the deal?

    Fluffy January 5, 2021 2:53 am
    renThank you for the explanation. I'm also wondering why Ren is in that situation where he is treated like a commodity. I'm also assuming Ren has been Yuri's sex toy before he was " given" to Ritsu........ @ren

    Hi! From what I could gather, he was included on his own request 'cause he wanted to be reunited with Ritsu. I don't believe he would have been considered property before then and I'm not even sure if he could have been considered property after since I don't know if his inclusion was legally binding. He later exchanged his freewill for Ritsu's safety momentarily. I think Yuri was upset 'cause he was leaving where the rest of them were and she thought grandma being mean or rude towards him by including him as 'property.' She didn't know it was with his request. She could have been trying to free him in a sense by making him come back, but I'm not sure. Hope that makes sense!