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The anime is really thrilling. Enjoyed it although finishes with a cliffhanger

Tanzima March 20, 2020 2:41 pm

The anime is really thrilling. Enjoyed it although finishes with a cliffhanger

    Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl September 22, 2020 11:27 pm

    It does aww im at ep 15 and i love it so much also is xiaohu really dead pls tell me hes not i love xiaohu even tho hevwas barely there he was my fav charecter

    Tanzima September 26, 2020 6:05 am
    It does aww im at ep 15 and i love it so much also is xiaohu really dead pls tell me hes not i love xiaohu even tho hevwas barely there he was my fav charecter Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl

    you can watch the anime, you will definitely enjoy it. It is true that one of the twin brother is dead but he is very much alive in the younger twin brother's memory