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Did Yamashiro actually take Utsugi’s offer from Ch.5 ending?

TheYaoiEnthusiast March 20, 2020 5:06 pm

"I wouldn't mind if it backfired, but you could consider stealing away his lover." --Utsugi

I'm honestly kind of confused by the end + the extra... Is he seeing both of them now (like fwb with Yamashiro and bfs with Okuzono) or are they just like unexpected friends...? Like “at first it was just supposed to be a key and now we’re living together, you jealous”?!?!?

Either way I don't get how Yamashiro can move on when he's still involved with Utsugi (even if they are just friends…) and so what was the point of officially breaking up/ “goodbye forever”?

This is probably an unpopular opinion but I kinda wish they all coulda just lived happily together, Utsugi & Yamashiro as friendly love rivals and Okuzono x Yamashiro/ Okuzono x Utsugi.

Lmao, also on a side note... They work in the same business, that’s gotta be hella awkward making eye contact in the cafeteria ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Lirppu October 24, 2020 9:05 pm

    What i feel like is that the all 3 of them do actually now have a relationship with eachother. Okuzono and yamashiro just has theirs through utsugi in a way.