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An okay read if you're into this kinda subjects, but light written, not in-depth or fascinating.

Gabe Blue March 21, 2020 3:47 am

I don't get all the hate, honestly.
It's true that the story disappointingly didn't go really in-depth, the ending was rushed and lacked realistic or more explained details, and of course it could have been better...but why hating?
Without being a 'must-read' or a Manga that I'll remember, it was alright in my book.
Fine if you didn't like it, but it was overall of average-good quality.
It even depicted a reality that were sadly way too common in older times in the Monk community, and that is still taboo to talk about to these days.
Sorry to break it to you, but Human History is far from being full of sweets and roses.
Nor Human Mind is, and as y'all should know, a fictional story doesn't have to be about something beautiful and flowery, be positive, have a good-end message, happy ending, be fair or anything. And even so, this one did it's best to, and it's far from being horrible, or as dark as the reality was.
I thought it was a fun story, sadly too superficial to be really interesting, but it was a pretty fine read to me. Not the best, not so bad.
And just a may hate this type of content, but there are tags and information everywhere. Don't just go put shitty rate and comments just because of your own taste.
It's alright to dislike something, of course you are also free to say it, but if you don't have anything constructive to say at all, you should maybe keep your overly negative comments for yourself.
When I rate a piece, I rate it on its quality and the story-telling. If It's not my thing, it doesn't make it shit, it just makes it...well, not my thing ┗( T﹏T )┛
Wow, I rarely comment at all, let alone this long...and it wasn't even a great Manga xD
Guess I'm just salty today, and you guys got me triggered Haha

Have a Wonderful Day Y'Allllllllll Bootypul Gae~❀
