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Well I can understand why a lot of you don't like the ending but if we put the abrupt endi...

Hazuki Jin March 21, 2020 10:48 pm

Well I can understand why a lot of you don't like the ending but if we put the abrupt ending beside, I think her being fine without marriage seems logic. Her interest in marriage only started due to the pressure around her. She even said her main wish is to find a partner who's equal to her and can accept her lifestyle and she's only husband hunting because of her surrounding. So after dating that guy she could achieve both, having an equal partner but also marriage. That's when she developed a deeper interest in marriage. After hearing him not wanting to marry (or avoiding the subject) she lost her original interest and only had the marriage in mind. Her friend who's also boosting her concerns by having his own issues displayed, made it worse. The story rushed now but in the end she only wants to be happy and be open about their wishes.
