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People who are hating Hachi (the ex) please read the manga "Hachi" first

Orengine March 22, 2020 11:49 pm

You need to understand that these three (Hachi, Hanabi and Ookuma) share a very powerful bond, and for them being together is the most important thing, and eventually the reson for Hachi's and Ookuma's breakup.

So hear me out (contains spoilers for "Hachi"):

Hachi didn't dump Ookuma even though it's implied so in this manga, Ookuma himself decided to end the relationship in order for Hanabi and Hachi to be together.

Hanabi had loved Hachi since he was a child (as we see in this manga when he's watching him play baseball) and for him Hachi is everything, his one chance at happiness. Ookuma knew this, and even though he loved Hachi too his feelings weren't as deep, and he even tells Hachi that he will be able to fall in love with someone else but for Hanabi its impossible.

In my eyes Hachi loved them both (even though Ookuma sort of pressured him into the relationship with him at first) but even though they tried 3p (which was _SO_HOT_) in the end it was too painful for Hanabi to share Hachi with anyone, even Ookuma.

So in the end the only way for the three to stay together (which, as I said before, was probably the most important thing to them all) was for Hachi and Ookuma to break up, and only after this do Hachi and Hanabi allow themselves to love each other.

It's not a perfect manga, but I found it very interesting. Sorry for the long post haha (⌒▽⌒)

    kazane March 25, 2020 10:31 am

    omg i love your analysis on their relationship!!

    Orengine March 25, 2020 3:33 pm

    Thank you

    Sol June 23, 2020 1:15 pm

    Thank you! This is a perfect explanation to those who hate on Hachi onesidedly.

    _asdfgyaoi September 18, 2020 4:43 pm

    sorry i accidentally clicked the dislike tho i like your comment :c

    Marpter December 3, 2020 4:33 am

    Thank you. Now o know for a fact o dont want to read that other one lol
    I'm happy enough with this one