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Oh my God

Menhera Chan March 23, 2020 3:11 am

Ed and Denny are probably egging Joe on to kill them, I dont think they are going to put up a fight...


    hanmi March 24, 2020 1:47 am

    but Kofi did it for his dog

    Mars March 24, 2020 2:32 am

    Of course not....they didn’t even want to kill him when he was a child

    christin. March 30, 2020 9:54 pm
    but Kofi did it for his dog hanmi

    im sorry im bad with name but who was kofi again?

    hanmi March 31, 2020 6:22 am
    im sorry im bad with name but who was kofi again? christin.

    im p sure it’s the boss of the organization, but i think they just haven’t shown his face or spoken ab him much