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In my timeline it's about 4am, let me rant

Kuku March 23, 2020 8:01 am

So I watched Kaijuu no Kodomo, such a great manga great characters great storyline. Somethings bothered me in the movie, but I still loved it. Of course they can't fit the whole story in 1 hr......Not! The movie was about 2hrs!!! I cried almost 5 times with just seeing Sora my best boi. The end is different just a heads up and of course umi no yuurei played in the end. I also watched it on yt, but there were no eng sub, so I had to compromise on what I understood in jp and the subs that was in a different language. Again a great movie I love it with all my heart and I hope they open it up to the U.S. soon
