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STOP WITH THE RAPE ALREADY, fuck me it's so boring not to mention stupid

WTF May 15, 2014 3:18 pm

STOP WITH THE RAPE ALREADY, fuck me it's so boring not to mention stupid

    Anonymous August 2, 2014 8:43 pm

    agree, stories with consent are much better, the worst part is when the rape is romanticized

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 22, 2014 3:36 am

    I like it-some manga over does it and tried to force romance into a violent and traumatizing encounter(but it's make believe and I think because of the sexual repression in japan saying no when they're really into it is normal-it's a way to have sex without the guilt-I said no but he was a beast and made me do those naughty sexy acts that made me come!) but in some mangas-edpecially historical ones; ( I think it's even less offensive in historical stories because rape wasn't considered quite the crime it is now)the context makes it anything but gratuitous-a little aside about female sexuality in japan-there's a festival of fertility dedicated to the penis-giant penises are carried through the streets-girls eat candies that aren't just phalic but actual mini sculptures of penises made from candy-but a female artist who makes vagina art was jailed for selling 3 d printed copied of her vagina-a woman who does "pussy art" because growing up and even into her adult life she didn't ever see images of vaginas-she thought hers wax odd and maybe gross because she had no context-you can assign western cultural values on a society so diff-in yaoi rape is pretty comman-also most yaoi is written by women for women so the rape in yaoi is a product of how Japanese women feel about their own sexuality) so just read the tags and hope all rape yaoi is tagged well-

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 22, 2014 3:43 am

    I like it-some manga over does it and tried to force romance into a violent and traumatizing encounter(but it's make believe and I think because of the sexual repression in japan saying no when they're really into it is normal-it's a way to have sex without the guilt-the woman can say I said no but he was a beast and made me do those naughty sexy acts that made me come!) but in some mangas-edpecially historical ones; ( I think it's even less offensive in historical stories because rape wasn't considered quite the crime it is now)the context makes it anything but gratuitous-a little aside about female sexuality in japan-there's a festival of fertility dedicated to the penis-giant penises are carried through the streets-girls eat candies that aren't just phalic but actual mini sculptures of penises made from candy-but a female artist who makes vagina art was jailed for selling 3D printed copied of her vagina-she makes "pussy art" because growing up she never saw images of vaginas-she thought hers was odd and maybe gross because she had no context-you can't assign western cultural values on a society so diff-( well u can but u will prob come off as judgmental or patronizing)in yaoi rape is pretty comman-also most yaoi is written by women for women so the rape in yaoi is a product of how Japanese women feel what's normal or excepted pertaining to female sexuality in their own society ) so just read the tags and hope all rape yaoi is tagged well-

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 22, 2014 3:47 am

    Sorry for the repeat but I was fixing the errors in grammar and sentence structure that invariably happen when I try to type complex thoughts on an iPhone-I though t that my text appearing in a accessible box meant I could make corrections-so the second copy of my comment should make more sense if u actually give a shit!!!

    soso September 27, 2014 1:06 pm


    Kjirkoh November 25, 2015 4:56 am

    sadly in real life in japan rape is not taken seriously in society nor their law system. i was a human rights supporter and rape is one of the biggest problems.

    Kjirkoh November 25, 2015 4:59 am
    I like it-some manga over does it and tried to force romance into a violent and traumatizing encounter(but it's make believe and I think because of the sexual repression in japan saying no when they're really i... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    sadly in real life in japan rape is not taken seriously in society nor their law system. i was a human rights supporter and rape is one of the biggest problems. women are still below men. mangas practically show some of the dirt japan tries to hide :/